Accommodation Arrangements

The School has a network of families within the local community that are approved by the School for overseas students of ºÚË¿ÊÓƵ. The selected families form part of the ºÚË¿ÊÓƵ community and offer a wonderful, supportive environment for overseas students who have come to study at the School. The School is responsible for selecting, screening, approving and ongoing monitoring of all homestay families.

A Nomination of Homestay Form is sent with the Offer documents to be completed and returned with the Acceptance documents.

Homestay Arrangements

Overseas students without an accompanying parent or legal guardian can only be accepted into the School once they have turned 13 years of age. All overseas students over 13 years of age must have appropriate accommodation and welfare arrangements in place before they commence their study at ºÚË¿ÊÓƵ. In addition, all overseas students must have School approved accommodation and welfare arrangements.

All overseas students who do not reside with either the parents or the parent nominated guardian as approved by are placed with a ºÚË¿ÊÓƵ approved homestay accommodation for the duration of their study at ºÚË¿ÊÓƵ.

It is important that overseas students try to become a part of their homestay family by communicating and mixing with the family as they would in their own home. The more the student is involved, the more comfortable and settled the student will feel. The student will discuss with the school on an ongoing basis any issues they may have with their homestay. The School’s homestay families are closely monitored by the School with regular contact throughout the year with the Homestay families. Homestay families are expected to follow all of ºÚË¿ÊÓƵ's overseas students policies and procedures as well as the School policies and procedures.

Prospective Homestay Families

The prospective homestay families will need to contact the School to host an overseas student of ºÚË¿ÊÓƵ. Please email international@YVG.vic.edu.au or phone 9262 7700.

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